Monday, April 18, 2011

Poetry Assignment Cover

For this assignment, originally there was another idea to have a different theme but in the end it didn't quite fit and workout. I finished another cover that was much better and fit the point of the assignment well. Unfortunately I forgot to save it. so this came to my mind, its really simple, but in a way I kind of like how the two halves blend in to one another. the light blue font was picked so it could stand out from the darker type of blue in the sky. I'm not very happy with the overall result of the cover, it wasn't what i pictured it to be, but it was better than to not hand anything in at all.

1 comment:

  1. Will, are you aware of how pathetic this write up sounds? You did a better version and forgot to save it?! Imagine saying that to a graphic design client. Yikes!

    You didn't need to admit incompetence. You could have explained the thoughts behind this design and let me to decide whether it works. Yes, it's better than doing nothing, are capable of so much better if only you would get your act together.
