Monday, May 9, 2011

Photographic Triptych

For image number one, the original photo was a floor tile in the main foyer. I used the magnetic lassoo tool to give my pictures rigged edges so they'd be different and in my opinion, I think they look pretty cool. The filter used on this image was called "Plaster". The second image is a bulletin board, originally it was blue but I changed the contrast to darken the color. I cropped it so the glare of the flash was near the bottom adding a little extra to the picture. The filter I used is called "Glowing Edges". Lastly, for my third image it's Graham's sweater, the texture and design really caught my attention so I chose to use it. The original picture had a lot of texture and feel to it to begin with so all i did was add a filter called "Water Paper".

1 comment:

  1. Once again you have a really good eye for photography. You've done and excellent job identifying interesting textures and adapting them so they fit together. I am impressed that you were clever enough to take advantage of the flash glare. I agree that the irregular edges add interest.

    Arrrgh! If only you had a better work ethic you'd be getting an A+ in this course. There's still time!
