Monday, February 14, 2011

Digital Landscape - Beach / Beach (Plastic Wrap)

I chose a picture of a beach, because I wanted to do something happy and exciting. Also a place that would catch peoples attention and make them want to go.

Step #1 - The background was the entire beach, the clouds were faded a little bit, and the sand was also faded because it was really bright and caught to much attention.

Step #2 - Dolphins were added because i felt it would give it a nice vacation, tropical feel. They worked perfectly because they blended in with the waves as if they were really jumping in and out of the water.

Step #3 - The islands and palm trees were added, no beach is complete without palm trees, and the islands added something else other than the beach to focus on and catch some sort of attention. To balance I added an island to each side so one side wouldn't overtake.

Step #4 - Lastly, I added all the small things such as the chairs, castle, ball ,and the sun to complete the overall image. I thought this would really give the picture that extra touch to complete the picture.

In my opinion, I think the picture was decent considering its the first one done of the year. there is definitely much more room for improvement. Things like fading, colour balance and texture is very important. Also a big part of the landscape where I think I could improve is blending all the little parts of the picture to make it look real, other than as if it were pasted.

I was aiming to work with all the different tools, to begin and refresh my memory from last year. i knew from the beginning that my picture wouldn't be the best. I was confident thought that  this would be a big step to learning where to improve and what I was capable of doing.

After finishing the original copy of the landscape, I decided to play around and see what things I could change to the picture. After scanning through all of them this one really caught my eye. I think it was because it gave it a laminated feel, but also made it brighter adding some shine to it. in a way it almost looks like it was carved into to make the shapes of certain objects stand out more than others.

1 comment:

  1. Will, you shown good competence and have done an accurate self analysis of the areas you need to work on. The image does indeed have a happy feel both in terms of content and colour. I like that the two islands are not placed identically, and yes the leaping dolphins and whale blend well with the waves.

    The weak area is definitely the objects on the beach. One solution would have been to leave them out, particularly the ball which lacks a shadow.

    When your write your reflections, don;t be so literal as to say step 1,step 2, etc. Just comment of both the technical aspects and the aesthetic decisions. Check Dani's blog for an example of near perfection.

    There are grammar issues listed on your rubric.

    Good start. Keep you eye on the deadlines. Have fun with the portraits.
